Arthritis in Dogs
Damage to joint cartilage can be caused by overloading of one or more joints, injuries, or a long-term lack of essential amino acids. Genetic factors also play a role.
In the early stages, the dog has problems getting up after sleeping or lames when running because of the pain that osteoarthritis causes. The first signs usually become visible as they get up and take their first steps in the morning. Their hind legs and hips move stiffly when they become active again after a resting period. If the dog is in motion for a while, these symptoms can subside.
In advanced stages of osteoarthritis, the dog may suffer from muscle weakness in addition to increasing pain and continuous limping. As the pain causes the dogs to put less strain on their joints, the muscle mass around the affected joints decreases, resulting in increasing muscle weakness. All these factors lead to a condition in which the dog has great difficulty getting up and sometimes even needs help. He can no longer jump into the car on his own and tends to slip on slippery surfaces. And if the arthrosis progresses further, not only does the desire to go for a walk diminish, but the dog simply stops walking or even lies down.